Saturday, March 12, 2022
Kōhei Uchimura 内村 航平 Uchimura Kōhei born January 3 1989 is a retired Japanese artistic gymnastHe is a seven-time Olympic medalist all-around team and floor exercise winning three golds and four silvers and a twenty-one-time World medalist all-around team floor exercise horizontal bar and parallel bars. Uchimura was already considered by many in the sport to be.
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リオ五輪 体操男子個人総合 内村航平が2連覇の金 毎日新聞 体操 リオ五輪 内村航平
世界体操 内村 個人総合6連覇 リオ五輪代表にも内定 体操 リオ五輪 内村